Practitioners of Traditional Chinese medicine believe the flow of “qi” (body energy) and blood must continuously flow to prevent stress and disease. For thousands of years, these practitioners have developed a variety of related bodywork therapies, including acupuncture, acupressure, and Chinese massage.

The practitioners of Traditional Chinese healing arts manipulate the meridian system (inner energy points and pathways) to encourage the flow of “qi” (body energy) and blood throughout the body. The balance of “qi” by clearing energy pathways is called “jing luo” of blockages. These blockages are believed to be the cause of pain and disease. Chinese massage practitioners identify pathways with limited flow and use hand pressure to restore balance and energy circulation.

Today, therapists practice Chinese massage all over the world. Western clients enjoy the mental and physical benefits of this practice, including stress relief and musculoskeletal realignment. Chinese massage practitioners typically focus on the therapeutic benefits of massage, as opposed to the Western model of stress relief and relaxation. Chinese massage therapists address and balance their clients’ entire holistic health, not just specific symptoms.